FAQ & Contact

This page will answer most questions that people have about who we are and what we do.

FAQ - Our Mission, Works & Offerings

Q. How are you able to provide these evangelism tools free of charge?

OneHope operates out of the offerings that are provided. It is only because the Lord has been providing the necessary offerings that we are able to provide to churches and mission organizations without burdening them.

Q. Do you take offerings in Japan?
Yes, we do. And to continue to operate as we have, we need your support. We hope to continue to provide evangelism tools free of charge, but your offering will make it possible for the next church to receive it free as well. To find out how you can make an offering, please check our offering page: Offering Page.

FAQ - Ordering, Delivery & Shipping


We would be happy to answer your questions or provide you with additional information! We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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We have prepared a FAQ contents so you can get to know OneHope better!
These contents will answer most questions that people have about who we are and what we do.

FAQ - Our Mission, Works & Offerings
FAQ - Ordering Our Products
FAQ - Delivery & Shipping