God's Word. Every Child.

Jesus Christ Is The One And Only Hope

We Present Him To The Next Generation

Our ministry name, OneHope, reflects the desire to present the Living Word of God in an engaging way to children and youth all over the world. Jesus Christ is the one and only hope for eternity — and when we present Him to the next generation … lives are transformed.

Our Story

Our History

Book Of Hope

OneHope began in 1987 when the nation of El Salvador asked for the Scriptures for every schoolchild in the nation. Today, by God’s grace, the ministry of OneHope has touched nearly 900 million young lives with God’s Word through our innovative Scripture engagement tools in print, film, web format and much more!

Our Mission

is to affect destiny by providing God's eternal Word to all the children and youth of the world.


We believe to accomplish our God-given mandate we must seek to…

present God’s Word in the most understandable and relevant format.
mobilize followers of Christ to personally and effectively present God’s Word to every child and youth of the world.
collaborate and network with other organizations within the Kingdom of God.
encourage new believers to enter into fellowship with the local body of Christ, resulting in a life of discipleship.
lead followers of Christ in intercessory prayer for the children and youth of the world.

We believe these endeavors will result in…

children, youth, their families and communities coming to a saving knowledge of Christ.
the furtherance of Christ’s great commission to His church.
the building of the Kingdom of God in every community where we work.

Core Values

We believe our mission is a God-given vision.

God has called us to work for Him in reaching the children and youth of the world with His Word.

We believe that we can save no one and that God can save anyone.

We are messengers, our product is the tool, but salvation comes from God Himself through the convincing and convicting power of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that God’s Word is inspired, infallible, inerrant and all powerful.

The Word is the firm foundation that God has given to this world,its message is the only hope for mankind. When understood and adhered to, the Word answers all of life’s questions and provides a perfect solution to every situation.

We believe that God, through the obedience of His people, provides the resources for ministry.

We are committed to being as creative, resourceful and energetic as possible to share the vision and raise funds for the ministry, while at the same time realizing that God is our source.

We believe we are accountable to God and man.

Because we are merely channels for God’s resources and the sacrificial gifts of His people, we pledge to be efficient, effective and careful stewards of our time, energy and resources.

We believe that our purity of motive, heart and purpose will determine the future of this ministry.

Our corporate and individual integrity and morality will determine how God can ultimately use us. We expect all missionaries, employees and volunteers to be followers of Christ, to daily examine their lives and be committed to the ministry of OneHope.

We believe that those who support the ministry financially are our partners in world missions.

The individuals, foundations and churches that financially support the ministry are our associates.We will endeavor to build a personal relationship with all donors by seeking their advice and involvement reporting to them on a regular basis.

We believe we are a facilitating and empowering ministry.

We are committed to providing the Word of God, our time experience to assist churches, individuals and other ministries every country of the world in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Support Us

Our desire is to partner with those who have been called by God to youth and children’s ministry in Japan.
Here are some concrete ways to partner with OneHope:

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