Month: August 2013

Introducing “Hope Delivered” written by Rob Hoskins, President of OneHope

Book - Hope Delivered

OneHope President, Rob Hoskins released a book last year titled “Hope Delivered”. Rob Hoskins shares his experiences sharing God’s Word to children and youth all over the world. I myself have just started reading the book and there have already been many inspiring testimonies of how God touches and transforms young lives in a radical way, changing the destiny of their lives. I hope to share some excerpts with you as I read through the book. The book can be purchased online at Amazon etc. All revenue from these books will go to the OneHope ministry to reach more and more children and youth with God’s Word.


Have you heard of OneHope’s latest product “junction film series”? It is an innovated youth ministry tool that is composed of six short films. These are thought provoking films on social issues that are most common and crucial among youth in Japan. The issues that are addressed are family relationships, guy/girl relationships, fear of man, Internet addiction, Suicide and moral decisions. Our desire is that churches and youth ministries in Japan would use these films as discussion starters in their gatherings. Since youth are not used to talking about “deep” subjects or sharing things that are close to their heart, we believe movies are an objective entry point for encouraging JUNCTION Film Series PV